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73 total results found
Марвин Берман (Marvin Berman)
Роберт Тетчер (Robert Thatcher)
Источник Dan Tuttle I'm sure this has been asked before, but has anyone actually successfully treated a borderline personality disorder case with Neurofeedback? I could write paragraphs on why it might or might not work, but am interested in what others have ...
Юрий Кропотов (Jury Kropotov)
Строение мозга — ссылки
Соответствие размещений электродов ЭЭГ полям Бродмана Функции мозга по полям Бродмана Простой спра...
The Neural Correlates of Aversive Auditory Stimulation
Авторы: David H. Zald and Jose V. Pardo 2001 год DOI:10.1006/nimg.2002.1115 Abstract Early severe stress and maltreatment produces a cascade of neurobiological events that have the potential to cause enduring changes in brain development. These changes occur ...
Context understanding (ASD)
Источник diep nguyen My 14 yo son has Bal4c RH bipolar as his very first protocol...and according to his assessment, he does not have a slow brain. Before reading your response on this thread,I thought this protocol was to bring his up his RH
Context blindness — ссылки
Ссылки Caetextia: Context Blindness & Asperger's Traits Autism: From Mind Blindness to Context Blindness The effects of context processing on social cognition impairments in adults with Asperger's syndrome
Протоколы Отмеров
Помимо базовых, используемых в подходе Отмеров (Othmer Method) протоколов (T4-P4, T3-T4, T4-Fp2, T3-P3, T3-Fp1) в книге Sue Othmer – Protocol Guide предложены следующие протоколы для специфических симптомов и ситуаций, возникающих в ходе тренинга (все протокол...
Анатомия, функции и нарушения таламуса
Автоматический перевод статьи Источник Таламус расположен в центре промежуточного мозга, который является частью переднего мозга, также содержащей гипоталамус, эпиталамус и субталамус. Таламус часто описывается как ретрансляционная станция мозга, так как боль...
Автор: Pete Van Deusen Источник Whether the sensitivity is a cause or result of limited ability to control the interface between the internal and external worlds, I have no idea. Most likely, in a complex-adaptive brain, it plays both parts in a feedback loop...
Sensory Issues
Автор: Pete van Deusen Источник Sensory inputs are supposed to be screened through the thalamus, which, in concert with the pre-frontal cortex, filters what is sent to the cortex to be processed, and blocks material that is not considered necessary. When thi...
7 Autism Phenotypes (Gunkelman / Linden)
These are the 7 autism phenotypes as identified by Gunkelman / Linden in the paper below Excess delta is sometimes correlated to learning disability Epilepsy: if in the left hemisphere they will be nonverbal, if seen in right they will be Asperger's Beta spin...