Level 2 Workshop vs TQ 7.5
Ответ Пита на форуме о применении информации из старого учебного курса для новой версии TQ 7.5, 2017 год
I have been working through the Level 2 training lectures and am struggling with applying the concepts to the TQ 7.5 report. Could you give me some explanations about how to interpret the Analyze page on the TQ7.5 in terms of the Level 2 training? I think that I understand using the Heads page as the format is not that different from the earlier version of TLC.
The Level 2 workshop gives you a foundation in terms of the categories on which the TQ is built, their sources in the brain and how they relate to symptoms.The Analyze page follows the order of categories from the Level 2 workshop:
- Dominant and Peak Frequencies provide the general background brain pattern.
- Tone issues: a. Temporal Lobes (Disconnect or Hot Temporals) b. Reversals R/L and F/B in Beta and Alpha (Reversals page is more useful here.)
- Midline/Blocking issues (Maps/Heads pages more complete)
- Coherence/Locking issues (Synchrony page is better)
- Sensory-Motor cortex, Theta/Beta and SMR levels for Filtering/Processing.
Dozens of algorithms underlie 2-3 years of work on the TQ7.5. It does the analysis for you. Summary and Plan pages suggest what to train, how and where to train it.
One of the bases of Whole-Brain Training is that there are multiple systems that link together to stabilize the patterns in a brain, so we train a circuit of all that seem to be involved.
- Block 1 focuses on the "foundational" pattern(s) in the given brain;
- Block 2 deals with the Salience network and synchrony issues;
- Block 3 covers the sensory-motor cortex;
- Block 4 handles the anterior cingulate and Default-Mode network;
- Block 5 trains deep states (for most) or Linking protocols appear in block 5 depending on client issues and brain patterns.
The Online Client Report and Auto Training Plan provide more than just the analysis. The symptom rankings in the Client Report allow us to track changes during and after training, and they actually trigger certain training protocols that weren't even in existence when the Level 2 workshop was recorded--protocols that have proven especially powerful and useful.
It's not uncommon for new trainers to get stuck on the question, "how can I apply training if I don't understand why I'm doing it?" Why not? If someone shows you a yoga routine or set of exercises or a recipe., you may have no idea how the steps or ingredients were chosen or what they do, but you can apply them and get results.
As you do more yoga or cooking, you may become more interested in why and how, and by then you'll have an experiential basis to make sense of what you are learning. Same is true of learning energy neurology more deeply. Apply it first. Help people change their lives even before you understand how you are doing it.
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