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Variance / Variability

Variance — показатель изменчивости амплитуды сигнала в определённом частотном диапазоне.

в BioExplorer есть объект Standard Deviation. По идее, variance - это std в квадрате. То есть, мы можем этот сигнал тренировать.

Пит про Variance:

recently i had an assessment and found that the varieance at many sites are below 1 i know that indicate rigidity and less flexible mind as pete said in one or more post

1.i wonder if you can explain about varience at diffrent site which below 1- what does it mean in practical brain startegy

2.what does it mean that i found low varience<1 @T3-T4 or @ p3-p4 or @c3-c4 etc. can i train it?(for ex. @t3-t4)

When all variances at a site are below 1, that often also shows up with high coherences, even in fastwave activity. Many EEG's show large areas of variability below 1, but when most or all sites show very low levels like this, it suggests that control functions are very strong. I don't think I've ever tried to train variability itself. If coherences are high in fast waves, I'd train those down and see how the client responded. Otherwise I'd train whatever else was present (e.g. asymmetries, dominant frequency issues, etc.) I find the variability more interesting when values are high--indicating that that frequency at that site is not well regulated.

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That said, I would also say that in some cases that I've worked with, a brain which is rigidly controlled to the extent that variability is extremely low can be difficult to train.

  1. — тут Пит на пальцах объясняет математику рассчета этого показателя.