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Тред на форуме Mary Lindsey, MS LMFT 07/01/16 #38946 You ask some great questions and I thought I would give my experience. During my years of training clients with NFT I have had several clients who had great difficulty tolerating NFT at all and through p...
Autonomic Tone Issues
Статья Autonomic Tone Issues в блоге Brain-Trainer. Обратите внимание — эта статья содержит выдержки из различных обсуждений на форуме Brain-Trainer, некоторые из которых были написаны 15–20 лет назад и, возможно, не совсем актуальны. Tone Tone, as used in th...
Пит сравнивает свой подход и подход Себерн Фишер
Источник — тема на форуме The videos of her presentations and mine in English (audio recording and slides) will be available after we recover from the conference. I think the thing that was most interesting to me was how closely our views of neurofeedback and...
Developmental Trauma — Определение термина
Sebern Fisher, 2022: Developmental trauma is not a disorder nor is it a pile-up of other disorders. It represents a history of 'bad enough' care-taking, i.e. neglect and abuse of this person in childhood. If it's not the parents who have harmed the child, it...
The neurobiological consequences of early stress and childhood maltreatment
Авторы: Martin H. Teicher, Susan L. Andersena, Ann Polcarib, Carl M. Andersona, Carryl P. Navaltaa, Dennis M. Kima. Источник DOI: 10.1016/s0149-7634(03)00007-1 Abstract Early severe stress and maltreatment produces a cascade of neurobiological events that hav...
Источник Dan Tuttle I'm sure this has been asked before, but has anyone actually successfully treated a borderline personality disorder case with Neurofeedback? I could write paragraphs on why it might or might not work, but am interested in what others have ...
Обзор протоколов Себерн Фишер
Базовый протокол Фишер Подборка протоколов собрана из книги, статей и интервью Фишер. Базовый амплитудный протокол Фишер состоит из подкрепляемого диапазона (подбирается индивидуально) и двух подавляемых диапазонов: низкого (1-6, бывают вариации) и высокого (2...